Definiere cbd urban dictionary

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Urban Dictionary: Cannabinoid The active ingredients in cannabis which produce the psychoactive effects. 'Oid' is an ending denoting something belonging to a higher species, family, or class. This finishes the word cannabinoid because THC takes you to a higher state of mind, you feel me? Cbd | Definition of Cbd at Cbd definition, cash before delivery. See more. Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 Definition of CBD - Cannabis, Hemp, Marijuana Terms Also known as cannabidiol, CBD is one of the many other cannabinoids found in marijuana and hemp proven to support health and homeostasis counteract the psychoactive effects of THC. The non-psychoactive cannabinoid has shown remarkable potential in its abilities that is now being studied by scientists. Read full detail called, “What is CBD?” CBD | definition of CBD by Medical dictionary CBD has been linked with a number of medical applications and GW Pharma has developed the first clinically approved CBD-derived drug, called epidiolex, which has been proven to control an acute form of epilepsy.

Was ist CBD (Cannabidiol)? - CBD VITAL Magazin

new definition · Search for CBD in Online Dictionary Encyclopedia  Terms related to cannabis include: Contents. 0–9; A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V Additionally, there are many slang terms for consumption of cannabis, and describing the state of Charlotte's Web: A high-CBD, low-THC, relatively non-psychoactive medical cannabis extract, "Urban Dictionary for Pot? 25 Nov 2018 Urban Dictionary enters the term Sunday scaries in 2009 and a 2013 article There's even a CBD (cannabidiol) oil company called Sunday Scaries. This is not meant to be a formal definition of Sunday scaries like most  Rub definition, to subject the surface of (a thing or person) to pressure and friction, as in cleaning, smoothing What Are Some Antonyms For Top Slang Words?

CBD definition: 1. abbreviation for cannabidiol: 2. abbreviation for central business district: 3. abbreviation…. Learn more. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus; My profile +Plus help; Log out; Dictionary . Definitions. Clear explanations of natural written and

Definiere cbd urban dictionary

They usually do not smoke unless its weed. Derivative of the plant Cannabis containing a very small amount of Delta-9 THC (the active incredient of Marijuana). It can be used for many things, including  3 Apr 2019 A CBD tincture is a dietary supplement that comes in liquid form and has a very potent cannabidiol content. Tinctures are created by steeping CBD-rich hemp flowers in high-proof grain alcohol, then cooking Top definition. Top definition. thcdrugs. THC(tetrahydrocannabinol)- A compound, C21H30O2, obtained from cannabis or made synthetically, that is the primary intoxicant in  #weed#cannabis#ganja#thc#cbd.

Definiere cbd urban dictionary

Loading Top definition. treatunknown. To insult someone badly. "Damn She treated yo ass!" by Tashea Moore February 23, 2005. Get the mug.

Definiere cbd urban dictionary

comingsex. The point in sexual pleasure when a man discharges semen, a thick white liquid, from the penis. When a woman is coming,  Back. Loading Top definition. THTunknown · Thigh High Thursday, commonly used on Imgur.

Die Vorteile des Krypto | Wie man manche Gadgets-Probleme löst Definiert vom Urban Dictionary als „Aufwachen und erkennen, dass deine Finanzspekulationen gerade den Bach runtergegangen sind… und du hättest es besser wissen müssen“, ist die feuchteste Krypto-Memme des Jahres 2014, auch wenn nur wenige das Verb feierten, als Mt. Gox mit jedermanns Münzen verschwand. Duden | Kernstadt | Rechtschreibung, Bedeutung, Definition, Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Kernstadt' auf Duden online nachschlagen. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Cannabidiol - definition of cannabidiol by The Free Dictionary Define cannabidiol.

Definiere cbd urban dictionary

bedunknown. A bed is a miniature gravity well designed to trap unsuspecting victims in a warm, fluffy prison, from which there is no escape. Top definition. bedunknown. A bed is a miniature gravity well designed to trap unsuspecting victims in a warm, fluffy prison, from which there is no escape. Loading Top definition.

Due to the hormonal  The active ingredients in cannabis which produce the psychoactive effects, these include among others THC. One cannabidiol (CBD) is a THC antagonist. Definitions tagged with #cbd. #cbd.

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by WickedPaganNinja September 08, 2003.