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in your blood by the exact same mechanism that grapefruit juice does. I just started cbd oil and want to learn everything I can about it. Thank you to Martin Lee of Project CBD for inspiring the Grapefruit Test. Can I take CBD topical oil for Lipidema when I'm taking Xarelto blood thinner? 28 Jun 2019 If your doctor or pharmacist has said to avoid grapefruit or grapefruit juice with your medication, this may be a good time to ask if oral CBD oil  17 Feb 2019 Previously, the skeptical cardiologist described a patient with atrial fibrillation who was taking the blood thinner apixaban (Eliquis ) and  24 Sep 2019 CBD oil benefits are all over the internet, but what about CBD oil side effects? Their list Grapefruit and CBD pills side effects can be identical.